April 22, 2024

First celebrated on April 22nd, 1970, Earth Day was a call to action, urging the general public to fight for environmental protection. After millions of Americans across the country celebrated that very first Earth Day, environmental issues rose to the forefront of the national agenda. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was formed in December 1970.
The following decade was one of legislative action with broad public support. It included the enactment of the:
Clean Air Act (1970)
Water Quality Improvement Act (1970)
Endangered Species Act (1973)
Federal Land Policy and Management Act (1976)
Together, along with other pieces of important legislation, these laws secured and advanced the protection of America’s extraordinary wild spaces and abundant natural resources.
Our Conservancy’s work builds upon the vision of those who came before us who fought to preserve and restore America’s lands and waters. With our mission focusing on the Sierra Nevada, the positive impacts of our work directly affect the alpine terrain, flora, and fauna of the region. The benefits also extend to California’s water supply as a whole and one of the state’s largest carbon sinks. It is important work that we are proud to play a role in.

“So long as the human species inhabits the Earth, proper management of its resources will be the most fundamental issue we face. Our very survival will depend upon whether or not we are able to preserve, protect, and defend our environment. “
– Senator Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day