March 8, 2024

Last weekend in Truckee, we all hunkered down to withstand the biggest snowstorm of the year in the Sierra Nevada. Despite the hazards of icy roads and the hassle of lots of shoveling, one phrase was regularly heard: “We really need this storm!” With over 10 feet of fresh snow at Donner Pass and 4 feet at Mammoth Mountain, California’s snowpack got a vital boost. According to UC Berkeley’s Central Sierra Snow Lab, the snowfall is currently at 105% of average- fingers crossed this trend continues!

Michael Piatti, Manager of Infrastructure Projects, steps out mid-storm to check the snow levels.
The High Sierra, where the Conservancy’s restoration work is focused, is not only where the majority of the state’s snow falls, but it’s also the water source for nearly 30 million Californians. Our fieldwork directly supports the watersheds of the region. When scientists and policymakers speak of water resiliency, the ecosystem restoration we implement is the mechanism to achieve that.

During these first few months of the year, our team is busy designing and budgeting work plans, contracting skilled labor, finishing compliance and permitting, hiring for our monitoring program, and starting to form the logistics for the summer field season. Lots of work ahead as we move closer to summer, and let’s hope there more snow on the way, too!